ACS Software Export Envelope File

For additional assistance, please contact ACS Technologies Technical Support.

File Export Steps

  1. Go into the People Suite of ACS
  2. Go into the People Module
  3. Go to Searches
  4. Perform a search for everyone you want envelopes sent to
  5. Go to CB Reports
    1. On the left side, highlight extracts
    2. On the right side, highlight envelope export
  6. Click on Setup to set up filters
    1. Filter inactivated records
    2. Set other filters as required for your parish
  7. Enter a Church Code
  8. Click Export
  9. Click YES to the Preview question to preview the export file
    1. Click Close to close the preview window
  10. Choose the location for the export file
    1. Enter A:\filename.TXT , where filename is your Monthly Mailing Number . This will create the export file on a floppy diskette
    2. Enter C:\filename.TXT , where filename is your Monthly Mailing Number. This will create the export file on your local hard drive.
  11. Select the comma separated (CSV) File Format
  12. Click Save